Sunday, October 24, 2010


There's a humongous disconnect between actions, words, and who one really is. While it's easy to use the right words and do the what's 'noble', reasoning is what I see as important, and consistency in who you claim to be and who you really are.

Whether you're protesting a gas station, arguing socialist theories with big words and obscure ideas, or working for a non-profit (any, any, as long as it's not making profit right?!), I'd be interested in your reasoning behind all of this and marvel at the discontinuity often found.

While it's obviously not my place to judge, I appreciate consistency in a person; it gives me a more accurate insight to who they really are. I've met so many self-proclaimers and tricksters, claiming glory and self-righteousness on the basis of good for mankind. Why, though? Thoughts regarding The Fountainhead swim through my mind as I wonder why anyone does the good that they do. Would you go through life doing 'good' deeds if no one ever knew it was you? If no one acknowledged you, praised you, stared at you in awe as you somberly told them that you work for no money, that you pass no judgment, that you believe in fairness and equality and this that and everything else 'good'?

Down to business-- the disconnect.

I'm amazed at those who argue for the greater good; those who advocate for human rights, protest the man, fight for the underdog, and beg for more compassion for our brothers and sisters of the world... then turn around and treat their neighbors with such negativity and disrespect that it makes me wonder if they even understand what they're arguing for.

I have been told that the only people who intentionally cause suffering are those who are suffering themselves. I try to make decisions in my life that would spare me from hurting another human being, and am shocked when I see that this isn't the case for everyone. Why one would want to be the cause of hurt is a sickening mystery to me.

Know yourself and know your reasons. Help for the sake of helping; we are all connected on this planet and each person I encounter in life deserves just as much respect as the next. I do not help for self-gratification and I do not care if anyone thanks me or praises me for what I have done, but I do hope to alleviate some suffering in this world and make my impact and time here as positive as possible.

Down to business-- honesty.

I want honesty. Be who you are and I would love to be around you. Who is 'you'? Bad writing and no one in particular. The connection between actions, words, and reasoning always intrigues me and I watch with a close eye for those honest souls who want to do good just for the sake of good, those who aren't wrapped up in the hype of a trend or the glory of becoming the savior. Be who you are, a humble, mistake-making, constantly learning student of life, and take me with you so that we may grow together not in something distorted or convoluted, but in something clear, simple, and true.

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